German Version

The Antura Initiative believes that a German version of the game is the logical next step in the development of their framework and methodology. This version can be a useful tool in assisting the refugee population in Germany integrate into their new home. It can support their children to learn a new language in a fun and playful way, taking their minds away from the anxiety of their journey. The independent analysis of the Arabic version revealed that the game was also used by some parents, opening up the possibility to reach a wider audience. As mobility is an important consideration in designing for migrant populations, the game is completely offline and can be played anytime.

As the pilot project was meant for Arabic speakers, the German version can be tailored to engage them in their native language. Other languages that this version considers are Ukrainian, Kurdish, Turkish and Persian. By incorporating these, the solution aims to target at least two-thirds of the refugee population in Germany. This approach can also be modified for audiences abroad. With the Goethe-Institut operating in 98 countries and offering language courses, a German version of Antura and the Letters can serve as playful companion in spreading the language.