The application period for all B.A. and M.A. programs starting this winter term, has officially kicked off! You can find out about the application process and the different tasks – depending on the study program you want to apply for – in the list below and on our application page.
The deadline for all applications is March 31 at 23:59 CEST.

B.A. Digital Games
The program takes an interdisciplinary and projected-oriented approach that fosters a holistic understanding of digital games. Students have the opportunity to specialize in the fields of Game Arts, Game Design, or Game Programming.
Find out more about the study course here.
→ Apply for the B.A. Digital Games here.

M.A. Digital Games
The postgraduate program is aimed primarily at graduates of a thematically relevant bachelor’s program to continue their own artistic and scientific work at a postgraduate level through an in-depth study of the development and scientific analysis of digital games.
Find out more about the study course here.
→Apply for the M.A. Digital Games here.

M.A. Game Development & Research
This paid interdisciplinary advanced training program is designed to educate pioneers of the digital content industry and is aimed at young media professionals – designers, filmmakers, visual artists, authors and creative talents from related fields, including computer science.
Find out more about the study course here.
→Apply for the M.A. Game Development & Research here

M.A. 3D Animation for Film & Games
The project-oriented course of studies is an artistic-scientific continuing education master, that is offered jointly by the Cologne Game Lab / TH Köln and the ifs internationale filmschule köln on our common media campus.
Find out more about the study course here.
→Apply for the M.A. Animation for Film & Games here