Border Patrol

“Border Patrol” is a serious game, conducted during four weeks in summer term 2015 at the Cologne Game Lab, Cologne, Germany. It’s set in the complex Mexican-American War on Drugs. You may play as the US-Soldier, protecting the border from immigrants approaching from Mexico. Or you play as a Mexican, sneaking across the border into the U.S.A. Do you stop a drug dealer, or do you shoot innocent people, fleeing their miserable life? Can you sneak into the USA, to start a new life? Or do you base your new life on smuggled drugs? And will you experience all eight different endings?

Platform  Unity Web Application, Windows Application, Mac Application, Linux Application  

Genre  Serious Game  

Tagline  The complex Mexican-American war on drugs causes many casualties. Can you make the right decision?  


Andreas Felix Tritsch (2D Arts, Game Design), Ban Müller-Thiab (3D Arts, Game Design), Djamel Berkaoui (Unity Development, Game Design), Fee Bonny (2D Arts, Game Design) and Jörg Burbach (Programming, Unity Development, Game Design)