Underground Berlin

Collaborative Project

You are invited to be a part of something big. An honorary member of the Rats. But are you worthy? Wait. What are the Rats anyway? Well you shall find out soon enough as you follow a bunch of odd characters as they experience strange phenomena throughout the Berlin underground. Solve puzzles and challenges to progress and unlock more information about the past, the present and the future. And maybe, just maybe at the end, you might me deemed worthy.


‘Underground Berlin’ is an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) developed as an introductory foray into the world of, “Der Grund Unter Berlin,” a planned web series that explores and comments upon the city of Berlin on one particular night, through the lens of the U-Bahn, with each episode following the perspective of a different character and the events that unfold around them on that fateful night.

Genre: Alternate Reality Game


Ioana Sandu (Artist)

Lars Kalthoff (Designer)

Michael Gebhart (Programmer & Lead)

Theodore Menezes (Designer)
