The Cologne Game Incubator (short: CGI) primarily supports the development of game ideas into marketable products, providing its students and alumni with the opportunity to leverage their training and knowledge generated at CGL into professional and commercial success.

The CGI is particularly responsive to the challenges facing creative founders in the field of interactive entertainment & games and helps students and alumni to implement the practice-oriented training of CGI with team-oriented project work in economic surroundings.
The allocation of team spaces for applicants is made by the Advisory Board. Within a maximum of 3 years, the accepted teams should develop a promising business plan and marketable ideas, enabling them to found their business and begin applying to additional concept and prototype funding schemes. Throughout the process, the founders receive a variety of advice and support from academic, legal, financial, and industry experts alike.
The CGI was established by the Cologne Game Lab and the Förderverein “Friends of the Cologne Game Lab” e.V. and is heavily supported by the KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderung (Cologne Business Development Fund) GmbH.
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