As always, it was anticipated for so long, then passed almost in the blink of an eye: Gamescom 2023 is over! We had a great time and are very happy to have met so many of you during the last week!

This year, Gamescom Congress was focused on what games can do for education, science, business, and culture as well as social interaction and many of our colleagues took to the stage to give talks and workshops:

Prof. Odile Limpach was part of a Panel Talk concerning “Empowerment through esports, games, and collaboration in and with the global south”, Katharina Tillmanns gave a talk about “XR in Cultural Education: Adopting a Body-Centric Perspective”, Katja Aller and Federico Alvarez Igarzábal were part of a workshop on “Female Figures: Matters of Representation, Industry, and Community in Games” and Prof. Sonia Fizek did a lecture on “Greening Games. Designing and Teaching for Futures in Times of Climate Crisis”.

Furthermore, some CGL students and alumni, exhibited their current games at Indie Arena Booth: Tiny Bookshop by neoludic games (Raven Rusch, David Wildemann) and Super Catboy by pixelpogo (Arthur Eckmann).

For those who would like to reminisce a bit more and learn about current projects at CGL, you can continue reading and listening here: