Digital Games for Learning in Geography Education
From pollution of the oceans to climate change to conflicts over resources – geography lessons deal with numerous societal challenges. In a successful lesson, students learn on the one hand to understand these topics better and to evaluate them critically. On the other hand, the lessons pursue the aim that pupils also develop practical and problem-solving skills. However, scientific results show that teachers have difficulties in promoting these skills through their lessons.
This is where the joint project of the University of Cologne and the Technical University of Cologne comes in. The scientists are investigating to what extent digital games are suitable for introducing students to societal challenges in geography lessons. Research is also being carried out into whether digital games contribute to training assessment, decision-making and action skills in the classroom.
On the basis of the knowledge gained, the researchers want to derive recommendations for action for teachers that show how they can use digital games in geography lessons. The project thus makes an important contribution to mediating between school and extracurricular fields of education and, with its results, contributes to better political education.
For more information: www.dispielgeo.de
This project is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)