The enigmatic and magic works of Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898–1972), one of the most significant dutch graphic artists of the 20th century, provide a very special visual experience.
CGL teamed up with the Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR to develop Virtual Reality experiences for their exhibition on M.C. Escher (February 21 – May 22, 2016). Within only ten days CGL-students created interactive VR showcases that translated the idea and aestetics of Escher´s extraordinary optical illusions into a 360° virtual environment. The students presented their VR-projects as an epilogue to the exhibition and showed various games that “make the illogical places and objects à la M.C. Escher interactively experienceable”.

The project was also supported by Samsung who provided the technical equipment and assistance developing and promoting the pieces.
Press (extract)
Escher 2.0 – Art meets Virtual Reality | February, 20 Paderzeitung
Die verrückten Bildwelten des M.C. Escher | February, 20 Express
Studierende der TH Köln entwickeln Raumwelten, February, 20 Mittelstand Nachrichten
TH-Studierende entwickeln Raumwelten für LVR-Museum | February, 21 Köln Nachrichten
Interview with Seren Besorak | February, 22 Deutschlandradio Kultur
Optische Täuschungen in 360-Grad Umgebung | February, 25 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger
Escher 2.0 — virtuelle realität im museum | February, 27 Next Level Conference
Portrait of CGL-students & the Escher 2.0-project | March, 22 WDR Lokalzeit
Optische Irrungen | March, 24 coolibri.de
Virtual-Reality-Brillen: Collaboration, Planungshilfe & Präsentations-Tool | June, 28 professional-system.de