Prozedurale Erstellung von Spielelementen (PES) // Procedural Creation of Game Elements
In a collaborative research project the Blue Byte Gmbh and the Cologne Game Lab (TH Köln) are researching the capabilities of procedurally generated game content and elements through new methods of automated creation.
The result of “machine learning” concepts and new AI approaches, PES generated content should feel more “handcrafted” and therefore reduce the labor necessary for its unique design. This should lead to the optimization of the production process of commercial video games and help improve the plausibility and immersive effects of game content and virtual story worlds – core features of any financially successful game production.
The Cologne Game Lab contributes technical and scientific knowledge to enhance game design pedagogy and to expand the field of research, thus allowing for further projects. The collaboration includes the creation of a PES tool library for cross-project reuse in open source development environments based on C++.
The project is part of CreateMedia.NRW, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) and Regional funds from the State of North Rhine Westphalia.