STRATEGIES — Sustainable Transition for Europe’s Game Industries — is a Horizon Europe funded project that supports Europe’s game industries in realising their potential as drivers of sustainable innovation, contributing to achieving the goals of the European Green Deal and delivering an economy that works for people.
The Project:
Europe’s game developers are a vital cultural and creative industry whose capacity to meet climate goals must be achieved as a matter of urgency. To address the challenges and opportunities facing Europe’s game developers, the STRATEGIES project offers a programme of research devised by small and micro game developers at the forefront of green transformations, non-governmental organisations supporting business development of the game industries in Finland, Germany, and the Netherlands, experts working at the intersection of policy and sustainability science, and academics working at the leading-edge of the study of games and climate change. The STRATEGIES will develop policy recommendations and business model analysis to unlock the potential of the game industries to drive societal change. It is developing leading-edge carbon accounting tools for both analogue and video game production and carbon literacy training for game developers. Finally, the research will develop and promote improved game design for sustainability, helping the game industries make games that support the behavior changes among citizens that will be key to the success of policy aimed at societal transformation. The Strategies project will run from Feb 2024 to Feb 2028.
The Consortium:
The STRATEGIES consortium consists of fifteen partners from nine different countries covering all the main regions of Europe, with multidisciplinary expertise in intersecting and complementary areas. The consortium includes six universities, four NGOs, and five game companies. STRATEGIES covers a wide range of contexts, drawing on multiple perspectives and operating in different geographical and cultural backgrounds. There is representation from large and small countries, densely and sparsely populated, long-standing members of the EU and more recent. These are important factors in realising STRATEGIES aim to account for the diversity of Europe’s game industries, and to ensure that project outcomes are adaptable across the Union.
The Workplan:
The research project consists of a total of 8 work packages (WPs), six of which are research work packages. CGL’s Prof. Dr. Sonia Fizek will lead the second work package titled Sustainable work – people and planet. She will investigate game development work cultures with a specific focus on the environmental sustainability of Europe’s game industries. The work package will generate data that will enhance understanding of the environmental impact of game development.
- WP1: Management and Coordination
- WP2: Sustainable work – people and planet
- WP3: Sustainable production – materials and emissions
- WP4: Policy innovation
- WP5: Game design for sustainability
- WP6: Hacking games to reimagine production
- WP7: Game design for CCI training
- WP8: Dissemination, exploitation, communication
More infos here: