Dough Nuts

Collaborative Project

Dough Nuts –Go Nuts!challenges you to control an intrepid piece of dough. It has to find its way into an oven, in order to get baked. But the path leading there is not an easy one: sharp objects, deep sinks and high shelves stand on the way. To overcome all that, you are supposed to transform the character: it might be smashed into a “pancake” and slip its way through narrow corridors. Or become a gingerman with the unique ability to fight against buttery, sticky enemies. Finding the best solution will drive you deliciously nuts!


Get smeared in this single player game, in which you must transform to survive. Go nuts with dough and fight your way through kitchens full of challenges, obstacles and puzzles.

Genre: 2D Platformer

Year of production: 2019

Platform: PC (Windows,Linux,MacOS)


Jacqueline Kik (Game Arts)

Leonard Liebler (Game Design, Game Animator)

Dimas Lorena (Game Design, Project Management)

Jan Günther (Game Programming)

Ethem Kurt (Game Programming)