
BUNG – Developing nearly zero energy building skills through game-based learning

The BUNG is an Eramus+ project with the aim of delivering knowledge, developing zero energy building skills, and encouraging energy-efficient behavior amongst building occupants through the development of an nZEB (nearly Zero Energy Building) learning game (BUNG game) that maximizes the learning effect of individuals, as well by introducing innovative pedagogies and learning approaches.

More specifically the project anticipates to respond to current, emerging, and growing needs of the construction sector for accelerating the transition to a resource-efficient and circular economy, as well as enhancing its readiness to exploit its high potential in reaching the EU’s energy and environmental goals. In parallel, the project’s core scope is to enhance the VET system capacity building and attractiveness through introducing modern and innovative gamifying learning resources.

The aforementioned impact will be enabled through the involvement of 7 partners (coming from 5 countries: France, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Italy), allowing a significant and balanced geographical coverage, bringing contribution, perspectives, and overview of different EU areas, in terms of learning needs, VET contexts and labour market skills demands.

CGL contributes to IO2 “BUNG Learning Game: The Development phase, concerning the technical and content specifications. CGL is responsible for IO3 “Technical Delivery and BUNG Training Material development”. In this task, the BUNG learning game will be developed and tested.
