
ImTech4Ed – Immersive Technologies for Education

The Immersive Technologies for Education (ImTech4Ed) is an Erasmus+ project where researchers, educators, and game design students from Germany, Greece, and Cyprus contribute to design aspects of immersive solutions. ImTech4Ed aims at creating interdisciplinary and international collaboration among students, educators, and researchers from the participating disciplines in order to:
• Deliver creative and valuable prototypes for immersive educational solutions
• Strengthen interdisciplinary thinking and approaches across students from various disciplines
• Strengthen interdisciplinary and international cooperation
• Evaluate prototypes in real teaching situations at connected schools
• Establish a network of connected/interested partners

ImTech4Ed builds upon interdisciplinary and international cooperation among different connected higher education institutions to create quick, student-driven, creative hackathons as initiators for immersive educational technologies to be prototyped and further developed in intellectual outputs. Authorware Tools (O2) and ImTech4Ed Immersive Game Prototypes (O4) as technological intellectual outputs collaborate closely with interdisciplinary hackathons (C1, C2, and C4) to deliver usable prototypes, which can be explored in educational practice. Short development cycles ensure the possibility to quickly react to feedback; interdisciplinary collaboration ensures that relevant perspectives are considered.
