Save the Date: Research Day on May 8, 2023
The Research Day is intended as an intermediate stage towards a joint collaborative project between different Faculties of TH Köln: the Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences (CICS), the Köln International School of Design (KISD), and of course the Cologne Game Lab. The Research Day will be an opportunity to discuss different research perspectives on the topic of “Memory Artefacts” and identify possible overlaps between the projects.
The event is not only aimed at scientific staff and researchers of the institutes, but also at interested students. Lectures will be held in German. The venue is TH Köln (KISD/ CICS), Ubierring 40, 50678 Köln | Room 11!
09.00 – 09.05
Prof. Dr. Regina Urbanek, Dekanin
CICS – Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences, TH Köln
09.05 – 09.25
Dr. Alexander van Wickeren
Faculty of Cultural Studies & Faculty of Architecture, TH Köln
Panel: Politics
09.25 – 09.50
(Whose) memories set in stone?! – Erinnern als räumlich-urbane Praktik und Ausdruck von Widerstand und Emanzipation
(Whose) memories set in stone?! – Remembering as a spatial-urban practice and expression of resistance and emancipation
Sonja Gaedicke MA, Institute for Gender Studies, TH Köln
09.50 – 10.00
Urbane Spuren des Kolonialismus, Imperialismus und Nationalismus – Mediales Re-Framing von »Erinnerungsartefakten« in der Stadt Köln
Urban Traces of Colonialism, Imperialism and Nationalism – Medial Re-Framing of “Memory Artifacts” in the City of Cologne
Prof. Andreas Wrede, KISD – Köln International School of Design, TH Köln
10.00 – 10.20
Schlamm – ein neues Material der Erinnerungskultur? Artefakte als Teil einer Resilienzstrategie der Hochwasserkatastrophe 2021
Mud – a new material of memory culture? Artifacts as Part of a Resilience Strategy of the 2021 Flood Disaster
Prof. Dr. Tilly Laaser, CICS – Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences, TH Köln,
Heike Wernz-Kaiser MA, Stadtverwaltung Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
10.20 – 10.50
Discussion & Coffee Break
Panel: Digitization
10.50 – 11.15
Querying digital memory: beyond prompt-engineering
Prof. Dr. Lasse Scherffig, KISD – Köln International School of Design, TH Köln
11.15 – 11.40
Materielle Zeugen, digitale Muster. Zur Inszenierung einer ambivalenten Wirklichkeit
Material Witnesses, Digital Patterns. On the Staging of an Ambivalent Reality
Prof. Dr. Carolin Höfler, KISD – Köln International School of Design, TH Köln
11.40 – 13.00
Discussion & Lunch Break
Panel: Mediation
13.00 – 13.10
Magisches Dreieck – Erinnerungsartefakte, Kulturguterhalt und Didaktik
Magic Triangle – Memory Artifacts, Cultural Heritage Preservation, and Didactics
Prof. Dr. Andrea Pataki-Hundt & Marlen Börngen MA, CICS – Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences
13.10 – 13.35
Playmode Cultural Heritage
Prof. Adrian Heritage, CICS – Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences
13.35 – 13.50
Gezielt Besser Erinnern – Spiele als Lernartefakte
Remembering Better – Games as Learning Artifacts
Prof. Dr. Greta Hoffmann, CGL – Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln
13.50 – 14.20
Discussion & Closing Remarks