At the beginning of all, there was nothing but a cat, a usual cat with no extra special powers. It couldn’t levitate, glow, and had just four legs and two eyes. But once, this cat stranded at a cafe inside of a planet which had a wonderful garden with mysterious dangerous plants. The owner experimented with plant’s ingredients, and these recipes made cats metamorphize… We simply wanted to create an enjoyable, chill simulation that surprises you with vibrant visuals and peaceful music.

Alien Space Cats is a PC game of the simulation genre where you appear to be a cafe owner. You should arrange your crazy sweet cafe inside of a planet, take care of alien plants, create recipes, and watch how your cats get a metamorphosis: “It’s cats in freaking space!”

Patrick Handwerk – Programming, Sound
Alba Pläp Golfe – Art Direct, Game Design
Maria Lobanova – Art, Project Management
Björn Röthig – Art, Music

Gameplay Trailer