Game Of Drones (2012)

Master Thesis Project

Game of Drones is an Alternate Reality Game that tackles the topic bundle sur-veillance, drones, terror, paranoia and DIY-approaches in modern day societies. The game combines fictional characters, websites and institutions with already existing technologies and strategies. The core idea of the project is to install a fictional agency that is working on a crowd-based and technology driven approach to fight transnational terrorism. The technical solution they put forward is a mobile app that allows the broader public to control drones (equipped with cameras and weapons) in other parts of the world. The concept was bought by the Centre for Civic Education of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in 2012 and has never been implemented ever since.

After their graduation from CGL Marcus and Linda founded “the Good Evil GmbH”.

Since 2013 “the Good Evil GmbH” is developing Serious Games, Newsgames, Transmedia projects and other game-y things. As game studio Linda and Marcus received several fundings and awards, e.g. from the “AV-Gründerzentrum NRW”, the “Film- und Medienstiftung NRW”, the German Federal Ministry – of Economics and Technology, of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Woman and Youth and of Education and Research.

Platform  Web & IRL  

Genre  ARG  

Tagline  Seek and Destroy Terrorists –  Do Good on the Go  

Team  Marcus Bösch (M.A. program 2010-12), idea and concept, Chris Hoft (game design), Natassia Zolot (programming), Claire Danes (art direction)