Collaborative Project
Pamuya offers a surreal under-water experience. Using a VR headset and the Leap Motion the player is able to use their own hands to interact with the world of Pamuya. Simply pointing the thumb downwards sends the player on their journey into the depths below. Pointing the thumb upwards causes them to rise again. Of course they can always stop using the familiar stop gesture. Interacting with the environment is as easy as pointing at something. If you get the chance, touching does the trick just as well!
Tagline Pamuya is a virtual reality game in which the players are able to interact with a surreal under-water world using only their hands
Platform PC (Oculus Rift, Leap Motion)
Genre Experimental Game, Virtual Reality Ambience
Team Conrad Hess: Project Lead, Game Design, Level Design | Marco Picker: Programming | Neysha Castritius: Art | Daria Jurek: Art | Raquel Rossetti: Art, Sounds | Kai Op de Beeck: Art, Sounds