The Bestowed City
Collaborative Project
The Bestowed City is an impactful puzzle game about ignorance by those who could have
helped ultimately shattering the hopes and dreams of refugees in need.
To support the theme of fatalistic futility, the narrative goes full circle; the boy arrives at the
camp at the beginning and leaves it at the end back to where he came from. While he is
stuck in the Internment Camp, the boy escapes his monotonous everyday life to a Dream
World in his mind.
The Bestowed City lets the player undergo a range of emotions similar to those of games
such as This War of Mine. However, tied to the fatalistic theme, the player cannot win and
therefore not optimize the message out of the game. Furthermore, the player experiences
a unique exploration of two interconnected worlds: the dreary Internment Camp and the
escapist Dream World.
The Bestowed City is an impactful puzzle game about ignorance by those who could have
helped ultimately shattering the hopes and dreams of refugees in need.
Genre: Puzzle Game
Platform: PC
Arkadijs Gribacovs: Environmental and 3D Artist, Project Lead
Alexey Garmash: Character and 2D Artist
Anton Sagel: Game Design, Story, Sound Design
Artur Akhmalludin: Programming
Marijan Bagaric: Programming
Trailer & Playtest