Vocus Air (2015)

Collaborative Project

Vocus Air is a short virtual reality experience that takes place on a passanger airplane flight. As a player you can influence your experience and decrypt the storyline only through your audiovisual focus – no other controls. The storyline is about… OH MY GOD, THERE’S THE KID AGAIN!! …which you will only understand if you focus on the right things in the right moment. The game doesn’t take itself too serious and we don’t want to tell you too much. You’ll have to play it to find out what it is.

Platform  PC  

Genre  VR Exploration Experience  

Tagline  With Vocus Air you will take a flight through a virtual reality experience in which you… OH, THERE’S A SCREAMING KID! …it all depends on what you focus on.  

Team  Bálint Márk: Game Design, Sound; Joao Oliveira: Game Art (Characters & Animation); Marek Skudelny: Programming; Remus Constantin: Game Design, Sound, Project Management; Till Gilsbach: Game Arts (Scenery & Objects)