Su-Jin Song is a PhD student at the Kunstuniversität Linz and teaching and research associate in the field of media and game studies at the Cologne Game Lab of TH Köln. Su-Jin Song’s research in media and game studies explores the close connection between storytelling, design, and theory with a special focus on topics such as migration, gender, identity and mental health. In her PhD thesis, she is researching on migration, identity and gender images – Asian female filmmakers in German cinema and their cinematic representation of female characters. Su-Jin Song  organized and curated the Young Academics Workshop as part of the Clash of Realities Conference (2019-2022) and since 2025 as an independent format, a two-day conference with a workshop day and a game jam. 

In addition to her academic work, Su-Jin Song also works as a film producer and director. She studied Creative Producing at the IFS Cologne and Game Development and Research at the Cologne Game Lab/TH Köln. After working as a producer on international productions and in the Korean film industry, she founded autumn song production, a studio focusing on films, series and games and European-Asian co-productions. Her works have been shown and awarded at festivals such as the Berlinale, Sitges and Palm Springs. Su-Jin Song was nominated for the German Short Film Award, was awarded the Wim Wenders Scholarship and is an alumna of the Robert Bosch Prize, the Rotterdam Producers Lab and the EAVE Ties That Bind program

Aguilar Rodríguez, J., Alvarez Igarzábal, F., Debus, M. S., Maughan, C. L., Song, S. J., Vozaru, M., & Zimmermann, F. (2022). Mental Health| Atmospheres| Video Games: New Directions in Game Research II (p. 262). transcript Verlag.


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Current Research Projects